Partly Cloudy With a Patch of Fog

Just a typical Saturday morning. So I thought. It was sunny outside, blistering cold I’m sure, but it was nice to have the sun shine through my bedroom window. Yet, I just didn’t feel right. Something was off. I didn’t feel like myself at all. My forecast for the day, partly sunny with a patch…

That ONE dreaded question…

“Why didn’t you JUST leave?” The dreaded question all of us survivors hate to answer. Why do we hate answering it? We hate answering it because we know that since you have not experienced domestic violence, you won’t fully understand what we tell you. Why didn’t I leave? I was scared out my mind. I…

Resources by state on violence against women |

The Link Below is a list of resources by state, as states, if you do not find your state listed, Please contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline(NDVH) for assistance. (800) 799-SAFE(7233)   Source: Resources by state on violence against women |

My Most Recent Battle as A Domestic Violence Survivor

SO… I am not even sure how to start this off.. This isn’t going to be a nicely written, perfect grammar blog.. This is about to raw, written probably so incorrectly that those of you who are grammar-phoebes will probably pull your hair out. But this is going to be written as it has been…

Continuing Thru The Obstacles

I am a survivor. I come with a lot of baggage, I will be first to admit that. Things that don’t bother or set you off, can send me into a whirlwind of emotions for days. PTSD. One of those things I had to learn to live and deal with. It is a part of…

The Lost Wanderer (Part 2)

A few minutes later she was finally gone. Out of hell she escaped. Without nothing, not even a scrape. The butterfly had found an opening in the window. And started to fly towards a better tomorrow….. On to brighter days she thought to herself, Not knowing that there would be new obstacles. These obstacles would…

The Residue of You

The residue of you. It doesn’t take much to remember the pain of you. The first man I loved. My first hero. My first heart break. You are the reason for a lot of my firsts, but you were never a part of many of the important ones. Shit, you never even came to my…

Reflection Over Troubled Waters

I’ve always been drawn to water. I love the oceans, lakes, and ponds. It is as if it is my own little piece of heaven. The place where I can let all my thoughts run wild and yet at the same time I can still feel at peace. I can scream out all my pains…

When The Darkness Settles

When the darkness settles And everything goes silent. That is when the thoughts run rampant Flashbacks of the past Lord, how long will this one last? Thinking about what I’ve been through Now knowing that it was all due to you Stronger now I’ve been set free From all the lies I once believed No…

Never Judge A Woman’s Strength(revised)

Follow my blog with Bloglovin I absolutely love this photo that happened to come across my Facebook News-feed on 11/03/2015. Never judge a woman’s strength, everything she has gone through has led up to this very moment and has prepared her for the next. A woman’s true strength really is in her survival story, whatever…

The Lost Wanderer (Part 1)

She was lost in her own hell. Barely holding on. She thought she knew better than to sleep with the devil. His lies kissed her lips and she was gone. His masked disguise left her blind. Her strength and courage was sucked right out of her. She was a dead woman walking. Scared to cry…

Have You Ever Wondered?

Have you ever wondered why? Why he or she covers up the lies? Why he or she doesn’t just leave? Why he or she cannot see what you see? Have you ever tried to understand? Walk in his or her shoes if you can? Ever think of the dangers that are at hand? Do you…

When She Awoke

One morning she woke up different. Done with trying to figure out who was with her, against her or walking down the middle because they didn’t have the guts to pick a side. She was done with anything that didn’t bring her peace. She realized that opinions were a dime a dozen. Validation was for…

Thinking Out Loud

So as you all know I started writing my book about my experience with domestic violence, the chapter I am currently working on so far is one of the most difficult chapters. It has taken me a long time to write what I have written so far. It has opened up a wound I thought…

VIDEO: Life After Abuse

Here is a video from a YouTube subscriber I recently came across while searching for videos to post on the site. Here is her story on her personal life after abuse.